Get Help & Support
If you are having a medical or safety emergency, or to report a criminal matter, contact Campus Safety (on campus) or 911 (off campus).
Individuals who believe they have experienced sexual misconduct are strongly encouraged to seek help either from resources available through the College or from outside sources.
Ready to reach out?
Make sure you understand the process for .
Resources for Getting Help
Health and Wellness Center
Students may contact the Health and Wellness Center to receive medical care, speak to a counselor, and/or discuss other options. College medical and counseling practitioners, unless they believe there is a health or safety emergency, either for the reporter or a third party, can be contacted confidentially and will not report without permission.
610-526-7778 (after hours)
Confidential Resource
草榴成人社区 Hospital
Go to 草榴成人社区 Hospital to receive a medical examination, which is admissible in court as evidence of an assault.
Confidential Resource
College Chaplain
You can reach out to the BMC Interfaith Chaplain for spiritual guidance and advice.
Rabbi Nora Woods
Confidential Resource
Campus Safety
Call Campus Safety to arrange for transportation to the Health and Wellness Center or to 草榴成人社区 Hospital, and/or to report that a sexual assault has taken place.
610-526-7911 or 7911 (on campus)
(911 off campus)
Required to Report
Lower Merion Township Police
Call Lower Merion Township Police (610-642-4200) to arrange transportation to 草榴成人社区 Hospital, to report a sexual assault or to request emergency medical assistance.
Contacting police may, but does not automatically, result in a report to the College.
Resources for Reporting Sexual Misconduct
Interim Title IX Coordinator
Contact the Interim Title IX Coordinator to report sexual misconduct and to initiate the College鈥檚 process.
Kim Pacelli
Required to Report
Equal Opportunity Officer
Cheryl Horsey, 草榴成人社区's Chief Enrollment Officer, also serves as the Equal Opportunity Officer for the College. She can be of assistance at a time of need and provide help navigating the reporting process.
Cheryl Horsey
Required to Report
Other Campus Resources
All College employees are required to report incidents to the Title IX Coordinator, except confidential resources (medical practitioners, counselors, and the chaplain).
Specifically, Deans, Hall Advisors, & Athletic Coaches are trained to support you through this process.
Dean of the Undergraduate College
Dean of Graduate Studies
Required to Report
The President's Office
The President's Office is available for those who would like to file a report, but feel uncomfortable using any of the other resources listed on this page.
Taylor Hall, Second Floor
Phone: 610-526-5156
Sexual Assault Resources
You are strongly encouraged to receive medical care after an assault. Because sexual assault can be physically and emotionally traumatic, you may not know whether or not you have been injured. Medical personnel at the Health and Wellness Center or the hospital can answer questions you may have about health concerns. A follow-up exam is recommended to retest for pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and to be sure that no other injuries were sustained during the assault.
The on-campus Health and Wellness Center is able to counsel you on your options for medical care after an assault. An examination done at the Health and Wellness Center is not the same as a rape kit and is not admissible in court as evidence that an assault has taken place. If you think you may wish to press charges at any time, the Health and Wellness Center personnel will recommend that you go to 草榴成人社区 Hospital, where medical evidence can be preserved for the police.
The Health and Wellness Center is able to check for internal injuries, test for pregnancy and STDs and provide someone with whom you can talk. The Health and Wellness Center can also provide information and testing for HIV (HIV testing at the Health and Wellness Center is confidential). The Health and Wellness Center can provide medication to help prevent STDs. In addition, emergency contraception is available to prevent pregnancy if you go to the Health and Wellness Center within 72 hours of the assault. The Health and Wellness Center will keep all information confidential; the assault will not be reported to the police, Campus Safety, parents or other College personnel without your permission. If it is determined that you or another member of the College community is in danger, necessary information will be released to the appropriate administrators and every effort will be made to protect your identity. The Health and Wellness Center can assist you in finding any medical or emotional support that you need, including counseling on- or off-campus.
草榴成人社区 Hospital is able to provide medical services that fulfill legal standards of evidence鈥攁 鈥渞ape- kit鈥 examination. The rape-kit examination preserves medical evidence that can be used in court. Having a rape kit done does not require you to press charges. It merely gathers evidence should you wish to prosecute at some time. It is recommended that you do not shower, bathe, douche or change clothes if you want to preserve evidence. You may want to bring a change of clothes to the hospital in case your clothing is needed by the police. 草榴成人社区 Hospital will test for pregnancy and STDs, offer medication to prevent STDs, and prescribe emergency contraception. The hospital is required to notify the police that a sexual assault may have occurred.
If you are sexually assaulted, you have basic rights and considerations as a crime victim (including but not limited to):
- Have any allegations of sexual assault taken seriously and without any suggestion that survivors are responsible for sexual assault.
- Be treated with respect and dignity, regardless of gender, gender identity, race, age, income level, physical abilities, cognitive abilities, or sexual, medical and mental health history.
- Have timely access to emergency and crisis counseling services.
- Be accompanied by an advocate while receiving victim services.
- Be informed of legal rights and available resources.
- Be informed of safety planning and protection services.
- Be informed of appropriate follow-up treatment, medical testing and counseling.
- Be notified of options for and assistance with changing academic and/or living situations if so requested and if such changes are reasonably available.
- Have the College conduct a prompt and thorough investigation of the allegation, preserving the privacy of the survivor to the extent possible within the requirements of Title IX.
- Be able to give testimony in a campus hearing by means other than being in the same room with the accused.
- Have a support person present during campus disciplinary proceedings.
- Be informed of the outcome of the sexual assault disciplinary proceedings.